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Our pledge

We, entrepreneurs, founders, and CEOs, as witnesses of the genocide in Gaza and the 76-year long colonization and occupation of Palestine, are signing this open letter in order to pledge our support for Palestinians and to boycott Israel and Israeli businesses.

The private sector, and especially the tech and startup industry, has historically played a very important role in legitimizing the state of Israel and deepening the ongoing dispossession of Palestinians. Now is the time for private businesses to take a strong stance against the genocide, against the current war in Gaza, and against the colonization of Palestine.

We promote that all companies, no matter where they are based, can make an impact by adopting this position across their activities: hiring, supply chain, trade relations, raising capital, and more.

Therefore we pledge to steer our companies' hiring policies, operations, delivery of goods, provision of services, fundraising, and PR activities in order to:

  • Support Palestine and Palestinians in their fight for self-determination and ownership of the land despite military, political, and economic efforts to displace them. This may include hiring Palestinian talent, donating to Palestinian causes, incorporating Palestinian suppliers in our supply chains, and raising money from investors who support Palestinian businesses.
  • Boycott Israel and Israelis who are complicit in the current war and colonization of Palestine. This may include breaking relations with Israeli clients, removing Israeli suppliers from our supply chain, replacing Israeli tools and platforms in our processes, and refusing investment from investors who support Israeli businesses.

In making this pledge, we reject any kind of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, race, or religion, including antisemitism and islamophobia, and we commit to promote values such as democracy, equality, and justice.

Through this pledge, we join the wider BDS movement and we aim to exert pressure on Israel and its economy, following the example of successful international campaigns such as the anti-apartheid movement in the case of South Africa.

We call on business leaders globally to sign this letter and to join the movement for a free Palestine.

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